February 2020 Meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m.
St. James Community Center

Please mark your calendar to attend the February 2020 meeting to be held Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 3 p.m. in the St. James Community Center. The meeting should end by 4:30. This is an open meeting for members as well as those interested. Please plan to attend and bring your woodworking friends (or those seeking to start).

This month’s speaker will be fellow St. James Woodworkers member John Boughton. He will give a short presentation on how he constructed his amazing motorcycle rocking horse. He will bring it to show as well as it soon will go to Sotheby’s in New York for a charity auction.

Also to be discussed . . .

Plan to bring any unused tools you want to swap or gift (or trade or sell) to fellow members; there will be a table at the back of the room. Woodworking books, DVDs and magazine are great items to share.

Bring a show-and-tell item you have made or have in process (bring a photo if it’s too large to carry; we’ll have a video projector to show your photos to the group).

Member forms will be accepted at the meeting. Annual dues are $25 (please being checkbook; we cannot accept cash or credit cards at this time). Membership info here.

The agenda will cover upcoming meetings and trips, recruit members of committees to plan activities, a safety minute talk, brief show-and-tell of projects members have underway, and of course making “verbal sawdust.”

Refreshments will be provided.