About St. James Woodworkers . . .


St. James Woodworkers is a group of hobbyist woodworkers from the community of St. James, North Carolina, in the southeastern corner of the state where the Cape Fear River meets the Atlantic. Our group of people with diverse woodworking interests, ranging from wood arts to turning, from furniture making to carving, meet monthly to share knowledge and craftsmanship skills that serve the many facets of woodworking. We welcome anyone with an interest to join us regardless of skill level. Members will share their ideas and expertise in shop setup, project methods, tools, and more.


We generally meet the third Thursday of the month, gathering at 3 p.m. with the meeting running 3:30-5 p.m. Please refer to this website, StJamesWoodworkers.org, for specific meeting locations and times as we frequently meet at the workshop of members or venture out on a field trip.


Please complete the following form. Our goal is to include areas of woodworking interest along with your contact information in a protected online directory (visible only to current members) to help form connections for tool and material sharing, project help, etc.

Registration Form (PDF)


Dues are $30, which covers the calendar year ($20 after July 1).

Questions? Contact a board member. Interested in taking on some facet of the group? Please let us know.

Board (aka “head broompushers”)

David Campbell
Angela McGreevy
Bill Lanahan
Fred Walters

Contact Form