The Sky is the Limit
You will find an assortment of downloadable toy patterns online. There are also numerous superb books available with detailed instructions and plans for wooden toys. Or use your imagination!
As an example, try this link: In general, a simple design that can be readily shaped and sanded is best to minimize the time required to make multiple toys.
Our interrupted meeting schedule has gotten in the way of St. James Woodworkers providing toy plans and wheels, however there are readily available online sources, such as Casey Wood (, 800-452-2739) or American Woodcraft Supply ( for supplies.
The Need . . . Toddlers to Teens!
Toys for Tots tells us toys are needed for all age groups, but toddlers (1-1/2 to 2-1/2 years old) and teenagers are most in need. Whatever you choose to make will be much appreciated both by the organization and the recipient. So have fun!
Suggestions . . .
“Animated Toys
Mixed-up Cement Mixer
Tipsy Tug and its Barge
Bouncing Bus
Simple Toys for Toddlers
Here are some suggested simple toys for toddlers. These are simple-to-build designs that are proven (special thanks to Michigan Woodworkers Guild!). But please do not feel limited to these ideas.
Toy Samples . . . great painting!
Thanks to Bruce Williams for obtaining the following patterns and photos of the finished items.
And here are the patterns . . .
World-Class Lorry Truck
PDF (click to view plans and photos)