Tuesday, March 10, 3 p.m.
St. James Community Center
Please mark your calendar to attend the March 2020 meeting to be held Tuesday, March 10 at 3 p.m. in the St. James Community Center. The meeting should end by 4:30. This is an open meeting for members as well as those interested. Please plan to attend and bring your woodworking friends (or those seeking to start).
Presentation: Hand Tool Sharpening
George Ligon will give a brief presentation on sharpening of hand tools including planes, chisels and scrapers. George was a 20-year woodworking and industrial arts instructor in Vermont and a consummate craftsman in whatever he does, be it woodworking, home renovation, metalwork or automotive work. He will demonstrate multiple methods of obtaining the perfect edge for your woodworking hand tools.
Also to be discussed . . .
Bring a show-and-tell item you have made or have in process (bring a photo if it’s too large to carry; we’ll have a video projector to show your photos to the group).
Plan to bring any unneeded items you want to share with fellow members; there will be a table at the back of the room. Woodworking books, DVDs and magazine are great items to share, as well as wood and tools.
The agenda will cover upcoming meetings and trips, recruit members for committees to plan activities, a safety-minute talk, and of course making “verbal sawdust.”
Member forms will be accepted at the meeting. Annual dues are $25 (please being checkbook; we cannot accept credit cards at this time). Membership info here.
Refreshments will be provided.